Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is Communication?

Define of Communication?

Communication is a two-way process through which two or more people can share their ideas and fallings .Through communication information and understanding can be transferred from one person to another persons – a sender and a receiver.
In the words of Prof. B. R. Ricks and K. F. Gow, “ Communication is the exchange of information that is mutually understood.”

S. P. Robbins defines communication as “ The transference and understanding of meaning.”

Newstrom & Davis said, “ It is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings and values.”

According to Oxford Dictionary, “Communication is the science and practice of transmitting information.”

Thus, following points or elements of communication can be noted:
i) Two or more persons
ii) Exchange of ideas and feelings
iii) A process/Media
iv) Understanding of message.

In the light of above discussion, it can be said that, communication is a moving media by which at least two or more persons can share their ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Tip of Communications for way of keep mind :
                            1st Part: Communication is a two-way process………………………………………..
                            2nd Part: Definition of Ricks & Gow
Definition of S. P. Robbins
Definition of Newstrom & Davis
Definition of Oxford Dictionary
                            3rd Part: ……………………………..Elements of Communication………………………………………….
Related Post Link:
i) Two or more persons
ii) Exchange of ideas and feelings
iii) A process / media
iv) Understanding of message
4th Part: Communication is a moving media……………………………………………………..

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